Friday 22 April 2016

Your communication is misleading you!

In your physical world you use words to communicate with each other. Spoken words, written words.  You listen to words with your physical ears and you look at words with your physical eyes and you interpret those words in accordance with your own opinions and beliefs.  But words themselves are not communication. They are merely a tool that you created so that you could better understand one another. This has not resulted in better understanding but rather this has resulted in a far greater level of confusion and misunderstanding than there has ever been or ever will be, for matters are beginning to change and this is why we are trying to communicate with you now.  Communication is occurring all around you all of the time but because it is not in written words that your eyes can ‘see’ nor in vocal voice that your ears can ‘hear’ then it does not permeate your reality, your little world that you are so absorbed in. That false reality all around you which you identify with and which you unwittingly make yourselves victim to in all it’s perversity and confusion.  Pay attention. Communication is not always about hearing and seeing. Communication is about your inner senses. Your feelings, your instincts. Yes, my friends you do have these things. You all do. You all know that you do but you often chose to ignore them. You refuse to acknowledge them because the truth that is then communicated to you will expose the lies you continue to live by.  And so you make an unconscious choice to remain in ignorance. To carry on in the ignorance is bliss mentality that is in fact the creation of and the cause of all the problems that you suffer on this earth on this day.  Words get in the way. Words confuse you. Words mislead you. Your leaders use words to mislead you and to distract you. They know. Oh yes they know. And they do not want you to know. They want that you remain in your blissful ignorance.  They want you to remain obedient to their words and their wishes and their endeavours to maintain a control over your physical world that you inhabit.  They are trying to mislead you, to lead you into battle with yourselves. Look how they separate you from your brothers and your sisters. Look what they do with all their power.  You all need to start communicating.  You have an inner knowing. You know that you do. You know that you know. There is a part of you which avoids your own truth. You make this life difficult because you know but you refuse to believe.  Rather you continue to believe what is not true.  This is no blame for you. This is manipulations carried out upon your minds. Your physical brains have been overloaded with words that you have believed. And you have believed them because your parents and your teachers told you that they were true. Your parents and your teachers believed them because their parents and their teachers told them they were true and they believed that they were true and they believed that what they were telling you was the truth.  But all around you, all of the time the truth is there. Truth surrounds you but you do not see.  We implore you to open up your inner knowing. Acknowledge that you know what you know. Acknowledge what is true not only for yourself but for all your brothers and all your sisters on this earth plane. For you are all one and all the same and you all know.  Be aware of what is being communicated to you outwith words.  Be mindful of what is going on around you. Be mindful of signs and symbols that adorn your physical world. Everything around you has meaning for you if you would only heed of it. If you would only open your minds and your hearts. We are here. We have not ‘died’. We are not lying underneath a gravestone.  We do not remain within the ashes of our former physical bodies that sit with perverse grace upon your mantelpiece. We are still here. We remain with you – always. We know.  And we know that you know. And we now know that when we were with you on the earth plane that we also knew, but like you we did not allow ourselves to tap into that knowing.  So we ask this of you now. We tell you that the time is coming that you all unite and begin to turn this world of yours around.  The time is now. It happens now. It is happening.  It is. And communication – true communication – is the key.                 ~ Sahra ~

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Channelling - Sahra

You are not a body with a Soul – you are a Soul with a body.

There are many levels of Being. Life is about finding and serving your purpose. When you fulfil that purpose then you will progress to the next level. I.e. you will re-incarnate at a slightly higher level with a higher purpose than before. If you fail to find and fulfil your purpose you will re-incarnate back on the same level until that purpose is realised. Only then can you progress to the next level.

As you progress to higher levels of Being you also progress to higher levels of awareness.  Thus you are more likely to become aware of what your purpose is. 

Prior to incarnation, you might chose to skip a level and aim for a higher one in order to progress quicker.  Thus your life will be much more challenging and it will be more difficult for you to find your purpose.  Imagine playing a game with levels – if you were able to skip a level you would struggle more and make more mistakes.  So if you are having or have had struggles in this life and many challenges to overcome then this is why. Tackle the challenges head on in the knowledge that they will teach you and will almost certainly lead you towards your purpose.
Believe what is true for YOU and not what you are told to believe.  And if that later transpires to be what you call a ‘mistake’ then know that it was necessary in order for you to learn what you needed to know in order to find and/or fulfil your purpose. For in truth there are no mistakes – only lessons.
