Friday, 22 June 2012

All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration

The late Bill Hicks wrote "All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration.  We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death. Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves".

Profound words and thought provoking theory which has of course now been scientifically proven.  Personally I don't rate science too much, preferring to adhere to my own natural intuition so to speak.  As a healer I work with energy on a daily basis.  I use energy to heal and it is through the energy vehicle that 'psychic' information is transported.

Everything, both living and inanimate is made up of energy.  We are all made of energy. So what is energy? Quite simply, it is the life force, the breath of life, growth and movement which sweeps through absolutely everything.  Energy forms atoms which in turn form matter.  We as human beings are made up of this energy force.  Kirlian photography photographs the aura around a person which varies in colour depending on the mood, the health and lifestyle of the individual. It is this energy which renders us alive, it is this energy which fuels our minds and consequently our thoughts.  We live in a sea of energy, and every thought we think is also energy and creates more energy.

The thoughts we think create our reality because our thoughts are energy and when we have a thought it transmits a wave of energy from our very being which in turn alters the frequency of energy in our aura and ultimately in the area around us. Consequently this acts like a magnetic field and attracts similar energies towards us, hence the power of thought and the power of the mind to create our own reality.

How often have you had a thought and then discovered that the person you are with was thinking the same thing? How often have you toyed with telepathy, ESP and the like?  Creative people are very tuned in to the energies around them and consequently often pick up on thoughts and ideas that are 'swimming' in the sea of energy around them.  These thoughts and ideas come not only from living people but also the thoughts and ideas of those who are no longer alive on the physical plane are still there in the great sea of thought. So next time you have a good idea be aware that it came from somewhere and indeed our minds are powerful and highly magnetic to the energy frequencies that surround us.

In recent years the development of digital photography has enabled us to see more and become aware of the existence of what have been named Orbs.  Orbs are reputed to be spirits, angels, guides etc.  Indeed they are pieces of energy.  Spirit is energy, Angels are energy, and Orbs are the fragments of energy of which all beings on all dimensions consist of.  I believe that when our physical body dies, thousands perhaps even millions of these Orbs are released from the field around us and each one contains an element of our consciousness.  Hence spirit can be many places at one time, and is everywhere.

Mind boggling - Perhaps in reincarnation we are each a reincarnation of thousands of previous lives because we are made up of thousands of energy Orbs - hence we are all one! All one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively..................................

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